Unlike other plastic processing companies, our technology allows the conversion of almost any unsorted and dirty plastic waste ( HDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, PP,  ABS plastics, foamed plastics, nylon, etc. except PVC), even very dirty ones.

The company "EcoPark" has developed and built industrial equipment for low-temperature thermal destruction of mixed plastic waste. This method allows the pretreatment of a wide range of solid organic waste (Pre-Step in the waste recycling chain). The proposed technological approach is perspective both from a technological point of view and from an ecological point of view of safety, as it reduces environmental pollution and provides the possibility of technically relatively simple processing of any mixed plastic waste without its prior preparation, with the aim of obtaining products in demand on the market. Ecological safety is determined by the fact that thermal destruction occurs without the presence of oxygen, which means that no combustion reactions occur. Although both are thermochemical reactions, there is a big difference between combustion and thermal destruction. As an example, we can look at the results of a study by the company BASF, which shows that the thermal destruction of mixed plastic waste produces 50% less CO2 than the incineration of mixed plastic waste (Science of the total Environment, 2021, (769), 144483).

The thermal destruction method used by the company "EcoPark" for the processing of mixed plastic waste is a Pre-Step in the waste recycling chain. The primary product of thermal destruction was used as a strategic starting material without any kind of purification or modification for large chemical and petrochemical companies.

The "EcoPark"  company offers an efficient and environmentally friendly solution for primary recycling of mixed plastic waste. The technological solution and overall vision offered by "EcoPark"  are based on the sustainable development goals of the European Union (According to the Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC) and the UN (United Nations Organization), which stipulate that:
- EU countries must reduce the amount of municipal waste sent to landfills to 10% or less of the total municipal waste generated by 2035;
- the share of plastic packaging waste that is recycled should be at least 50% in 2025 and 55% in 2030
- promoting a circular economy or the principles of the sustainable development goals for plastic waste;
- obtaining alternative fuel - synthetic and paraffin fuels.